Profile Jan van Belle


Born:   18 January 1942 in Buren, The Netherlands.

Education: after finishing High School I studied clarinet and saxophone at the Conservatory of Music in Arnhem. In 1989 I obtained my Drs (Doctorandus) degree in Musicology at the State University of Utrecht, Netherlands.

Work: teaching music, clarinet, bass-clarinet and saxophone at a Music School, played in ensembles of contemporary music and in rock bands.  (see: Biography).

Research: since 1980:  research trips in Morocco, Tunisia, Bulgaria and Northern China; in 1984 and 1985  I lived in Australia, where I studied the musical culture of the Aborigines.

From 1992 until now: research trips in Tajik and Afghan Badakhshan, especially on Ismaili culture and music, which resulted in research trips in 1992, 1993, 1996 (North Afghanistan), 1998, 2001 and 2003 , and in articles, lectures and the release of CD’s.

Jan van Belle profiel