
Biography Jan van Belle

1942 Born in Buren, Netherlands
1970 Degree Conservatory of Music, Arnhem, Netherlands, for Clarinet, Saxophone, Bass Clarinet
1971 Teacher Music School in Doetinchem, Netherlands, Clarinet, Saxophone and Ensembles for Contemporary and Folk Music
1972-1984 Courses and Projects at the Institute for Sonology, Utrecht, The Netherlands; playing in ensembles for contemporary music and in rockbands.
1984/1985 Living in Melbourne, Australia; research on music and culture of Aborigenes; co-founder of IASPM-Australia; teacher of saxophone and clarinet at Methodist Ladies College.
1985 Various positions on the Board of the IASPM –Benelux (International Organization for the Study of Popular Music), organizing symposia, giving lectures and publishing articles on punk and hardrock
1989 MA Degree (Doctoraal Examen, with title Drs (Doctorandus) in Musicology at Utrecht State University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. MA thesis: “Time and Music in the 20th Century”.
1987-1992 Research- and recording trips in Morocco, Bulgaria, Tunesia, and free-lance work for radio.
1992 First research trip to Tajik Badakhshan : Ismaili music and culture.
1993 Second research trip to Tajik Badakhshan
1994 Research trip to Northern China: muslim ethnic minorities
1996 Research trip to Northern Afghanistan
1998 Research trip to Tajik Badakhshan: project for (and sponsored by) the Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS) in London, a research branch of the Aga Khan Foundation.
2000 Research trip to Bulgaria: music and culture of Pomak minority.
2001 Research trip to Afghan Badakhshan ; Ismaili music and culture
2003 Second research trip to Afghan Badakhshan (sponsored by the IIS)